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This space is dedicated to helping you learn the tools and strategies necessary to heal. Through a combination of self-healing practices and the Law of Attraction, I strive to provide you with the knowledge and confidence to live a life of abundance and joy.

I know you have the power within yourself to create the life you desire, and my goal is to provide you with the tools, resources, and support to make that dream a reality. So come on in, take a look around, and let's start manifesting your dreams together!

Aromagirl1, Kindle

"I couldn’t have purchased a better book. Farnaz Afshar is fabulous in articulating accountability, responsibility and reliability is such an integral part of our journey."

Sarah Pearce, Kindle

"Love this book. Written beautifully from the heart and offering sage advice. Thank you for sharing your story, Farnaz"

Cassandra, eBook

"Insightful easy read. Rally help connect the dots with some of Abraham’s teachings. I highly recommend it as an uplifting read for anyone who needs a little hope that they can heal."

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" The wound is the place where the light enters you.

 Rumi ― Persian Poet and Scholar (Jalaluddin Muhammad Balkhi)


Hi, I’m Farnaz

A life coach and health blogger. Passionate about sharing thoughts and information on everything that has helped me heal my body and life.

I have compiled these thoughts and learnings in my book ‘The Alchemy of Healing’, which is available here in digital form (and physical copy available at good book sellers).

While this book is focused primarily on how i’ve been able to heal my body using the Law of Attraction (LOA), it is relevant to anyone wanting to learn more about the LOA.

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© 2024 by Farnaz Afshar

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